Page 13 - CITS Theft Guide
P. 13

B. Client Education
• Provide relevant company security hire documents and/or the CITS anti-theft documents and/or your National Rental Association anti-theft literature to your clients.
• This literature contains the key actions to prevent equipment theft such as:
- Clients should complete a risk assessment and take all appropriate measures to reduce their
- Ensure the machine is already marked and registered (i.e. with a recognised scheme).
- Fit security devices such as portable (non -wired) theft recovery tracking products as an
addition to already installed telematics and other installed tracking devices.
- Always remove keys when equipment is not being operated, (i.e. good key security).
- Remove equipment from site (or lock it into secure storage) when not in use.
- Ensure the driver/operator uses the security measures if available.
- ‘Secure equipment together or to road furniture’.
- Remove the equipment from trailers.
- Fit physical restraints.
- Do not leave the equipment at high risk / unoccupied locations.
- Act fast in the event of a theft – Report to law enforcement, obtain a crime reference number,
alert the 24/7 security providers call centre.
• Inform your clients about the economic loss they would face in case of a theft and the negative overall effects on their business: One cannot complete a job properly and on time if the necessary equipment has been stolen. This will not only affect your client, but other organisations involved with your client.
• Encourage your clients to:
- Establish staff incentives and penalties for good security practices.
- Review and change the security arrangements as site circumstances change.
- Use locked containers for the equipment.
- Use on-site or remotely controlled CCTV systems linked to floodlighting.
- Fit cab screens to equipment.
- Use security fencing.
- Use anti ram raid measures (including concrete blocks,
 high kerbs etc.).
- Use anti climb measures.
- Educate and instruct their staff regarding all
anti-theft measurements.
Additional information on practices to prevent equipment theft are available in the other appendixes of The CITS Guide for Theft Prevention.
c/o the CEA
CITS – Combined Industries Unit 19, The Omega Business Village
Theft Solutions Thurston Road, North Allerton North Yorkshire
 DL6 2NJ

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