Page 11 - CITS Theft Guide
P. 11

Appendix III: Education and Training of Employees and Customers
Equipment theft is a very real problem causing considerable harm and generating considerable criminal profits. Most equipment theft is caused by organised criminal activity. Fraud and cloning of equipment are also avenues for criminal activity.
Work together to promote security by educating the users, employers and employees on their personal responsibility regarding security of equipment and where it is stored.
The following advice may help you to establish an ‘anti-theft culture’ within your company and show your anti-theft attitude to all of your stakeholders. Your employees have to be fully aware of the importance of a proactive anti-theft behaviour and they need to know that there will be serious consequences if they do not comply by the rules that your company have laiddown, this should be set out by company policies and risk assessments (See Appendix V).
Your employees are only one part of the equation. The actual users of your equipment – your clients – need to know about the risks and dangers of equipment theft and how to fight it. They need to know that they are financially liable for the lost equipment, as well as the delays this will cause the client in completing any work on time.
Where equipment is to be rented out, sensible and practical rental procedures for authentication of customers are in force and audited at regular intervals in accordance with specific guidance provided by and available from most National Rental Associations.
  c/o the CEA
CITS – Combined Industries Unit 19, The Omega Business Village
Theft Solutions Thurston Road, North Allerton North Yorkshire
 DL6 2NJ

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