Page 22 - CITS Theft Guide
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Appendix V
Tackling Hire Fraud – Best Practice Guide
Plant security is improving. Many manufacturers have responded to customer pressure and are now fitting security devices to new equipment. CESAR registration is fitted as standard to many machines as are immobilisers, unique keys and key fobs. These together with tracking devices will, as time goes on, make Plant harder to steal.
But as security improves, Plant Hirers are more and more exposed to the threat of fraudulent hire. This is becoming increasingly common and more sophisticated. Thieves find it harder to steal the machine, so they are now trying to get you to hand over your machine, complete with the keys, key fobs and immobiliser codes.
Best Practice
You can protect yourself against this by following this 9-step Best Practice. These are things you are probably doing already and much of it is common sense, but it is important that you have a strong system and make sure it’s being carried out all the time:
1. Get and retain a copy of the hire agreement, signed by an approved person.
2. For new or non-account holders take copies of two proofs of the customer’s ID. One with a photo and one with a current address BEFORE the hire commences. Obvious ones are: Driving license, UK passport, Debit or Credit card, Bank statement or Utility bill.
3. For new and non-account holders obtain a couple of trade references, again BEFORE the hire commences.
4. Check the customer has “hired-in plant” insurance. If you’re not sure, a good Insurance Broker will check this for you.
5. Carry out a credit check and keep a copy of the signed credit agreement.
6. If the customer does not have a trade account, only accept payment from a credit card in the name of the hirer – check against the ID you took at the outset.
7. If Plant isn’t returned on the due date - find out why. Keep a diary system to be on top of when Plant is due for return and chase it up.
  c/o the CEA
CITS – Combined Industries Unit 19, The Omega Business Village
Theft Solutions Thurston Road, North Allerton North Yorkshire
 DL6 2NJ

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