Page 18 - CITS Theft Guide
P. 18

 Battery unit versions give flexibility to easily transfer between machines or to be kept on the shelf and applied to temporary hired machines.
      Good GSM mobile communication connectivity with dedicated Data SIM cards that are GPRS and SMS enabled (usually with international roaming).
     Overview fleet position data online is possible.
Type B: Fleet Management Systems (FMS) machine telematics with GPS
A wired device designed primarily to remotely monitor machine status to enable a fleet management logistical and maintenance repair plan.
GPS positioning enables logistical management of assets.
GPS location of machine (if reported) could help locate the machine if stolen.
May provide technical services for maintenance and diagnostics
Information can be sent to OEM for spare part planning
Theft recovery performance is generally lower than “Type A”.
Systems are not normally covertly installed so can be easy for criminals to discover and disable.
OEM information can be sent to your manufacturer and used to reject warranty claims.
May not help prevent the theft.
Initial purchase and possible ongoing subscription costs.
      GPS GEO Fence area, immobilisation (check safety rules) or motion alarms can be possible
May record undue utilisation during rental suspension, weekends
    Systems not easily transferred without additional costs.
    Fair GSM mobile communication connectivity with dedicated Data SIM cards that are GPRS enabled.
   SIM may not have international roaming applied and be forced to GPRS (lower costs) with less mobile coverage than “Type A” systems that also use SMS
System cannot be tracked without GPS signals, so will not function if GPS jammer is in use or hidden from GPS satellite view.
   Overview fleet reports online.
CITS – Combined Industries Theft Solutions
c/o the CEA
Unit 19, The Omega Business Village
Thurston Road, North Allerton North Yorkshire
   DL6 2NJ

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